Model Name:TOXIC Author: Toxic released: August 1st 2000 __________________ After thinking for a while as to what to call him, I got bored and thought.. "Bah, I'll name it the same as me "Toxic". He looks pretty Toxic so thats good enough for me. Anyway he is my 2nd model. I generally designed the character, but when designing him I wanted him to wear some kind of facial cover, to protect him from a some what "Toxic" world he lives in. He was at first long haired and wearing a cloth across his face.. then he had metal eye coverings, and breathing apparatus coming out of his mouth. The in the end I saw a pic of Phsycho Mantis and thought, "sod this I'll go all the way" and gave him full gas mask. As he is my second model I thought I'd do some custom animations for him, and after trying for hours on end, they really sucked. But I was improving so hopefully my next model will have custom anims. There is a few problems with him.. mostly pinching shoulders.. I played around with attached arms, but they pinched really bad. So I gave him seperate arms, and assigned the top of the arms and shoulders to the same joint (arm). the problem now is that they go thin on certain animations but are only noticable from a few angles. SPECS _________________ 794 faces 1 - 256x256 and 1 - 128x128 INSTALLATION _________________ Just extract to your half-life\valve DIR (C:\sierra\halflife\valve) and the rest is done for you.. then just go to your customize page in-game and select him in the character selection. _________________ Thanks for downloading him, and I hope you have fun fragging. If you have questions, suggestions, comments or wish to contact me. e-mail me at: TOXIC