Message found in a nearby cave recorded on a small tape recorder: I don't know how much longer I have until it finds me. I am hopelessly lost and can hear it not too far away now. I'll try to recount what's happened here in hopes that somebody finds this and heeds the warning contained within. DO NOT VENTURE ANY FURTHER! GET OUT NOW! IT MAY NOT BE TOO LATE! THERE IS ONLY DEATH DEEPER WITHIN! DON'T LET IT FIND YOU! STAY AWAY! RUN NOW! IT MAY ALREADY BE TOO LATE! I can only hope you have heeded my warning. If not then you are a fool and your life is forfeit. I know what horror lies in wait for you. (a faint tapping or clicking can be heard in the background. The speaker starts whispering now) It's getting must've heard me. I can't have much longer now. I came here to investigate these caves with my colleague Wilson. We've spent most of our lives investigating different myths and legends to discover if they were true or not. We've not yet found one to be true...until now... We'd heard the locals talking about creatures called the skrags that supposedly inhabit these caves. Needless to say we jumped at the opportunity to investigate if these creatures were real. We found a man who said he could take us to the cave where many people have disappeared before. He had us pay him before taking us there and told us to follow his vehicle in our truck. When we arrived at the cave he just honked his horn and pointed to it without stopping. There was nothing seemingly ominous or special about this cave. So we quickly got our gear together and headed in. We traveled for a few hours without finding anything when suddenly we came upon a chamber filled with bones. They were all neatly piled together and seemed to be sorted! We easily recognized what were human bones in one pile and deer bones in another. I'm only guessing but one of the piles seemed to be filled with bear remains! We'd both brought a couple of rifles with us in case we did encounter anything. Upon seeing this we both imediately had them in our hands. We readied ourselves to leave when we heard it... Just a clicking sound, like claws on the hard rock. Suddenly, out of nowhere, it was on Wilson! In one motion it had bitten his arm off and slashed his throat. He didn't even have a chance to scream... Oh the beast was horrible! It was basicly humanoid in shape and about 8 ft. tall. It had jaws bigger than an alligator's and it's fangs were easily over a foot long. It had massive arms with huge claws on the ends. But the worst part, the thing which I can't get out of my mind, is it had one gigantic, pulsing eye nestled atop its' head. I fired 2 rounds which seemed to have no effect on it. It knocked the gun from my hand and would've killed me then...but Wilson was still alive and managed to fire a shot from his rifle. It quickly turned on him and began ripping him to shreds. At this point I screamed and dropped my flashlight. I ran blindly for I don't know how long. I don't even know which direction I went in. When I finally got a hold of myself I remembered the backup flashlight I kept in my pack. When I found it and searched around I didn't recognize where I was at. I am hopelessly lost and have decided to wait for the inevitable. When it finds me I will freely give myself to it and pray that I die quickly. I hope you do not suffer the same fate. Get out now if you still can...