The Seer August 2, 2000 -------------------------------- Character Stats: polys 694 verts 421 texture 256x256 (chasis) 128x128 (eye&shoulders) 128x128 (arms) chrome NO animations Custom The default HL biped was used for this model, however, custom animations were implemented so that the eye could be properly oriented. In addition, custom death animations were created for this character. -------------------------------- Character Info: Origianl character. It's difficult to say where the idea came from. I think it must have been inspired by that classic late-80s Sierra series with all the alien eyeballs floating around. Brownie points to whoever remembers what I'm talking about. Anyway, thought this was a great half-life character to do. Apologies to everyone who saw an early concept of him on ColdFusion back in Feb. and have been waiting since. I changed jobs. I moved. This little guy got delayed. But, enough about me, here he is (FINALLY). -------------------------------- Install Notes: Unzip file into your half-life/valve/models/player/Seer directory. -------------------------------- Keith "LeperKhan" Self-Ballard (for those who care) or questions and comments) ICQ# 17476456 (for a look at what keeps me from creating MORE half-life player models)