Author: ToxiC Release date: 19th July 2000 _________________________________________________________________ For use with Counter-Strike or Half-Life-Deathmatch _________________________________________________________________ To use in Counter-Strike Use the pak explorer to open up the CS pak0 file. Choose which model you want to change it with and replace it with ritchie.mdl (rename it to that which you are replacing) probably better to use a terrorist, probably the Arab as they are both in more "casual" clothing. Then there you go, blow his ass away. Frag the git. To use in Half-Life Deathmatch Make a folder with the name ritchie in the dir - C:/sierra/half-life/valve/models/ The extract all items to the that folder. When you select your player model in the customize menu select ritche.... there will be a pic of him. -ToxiC ________________________________________________________________ Comments This is my first ever model... hope you like it, I'll be releasing many more in the future. I designed the character, body based on me (clothing etc.) but the head wasn't... Cus I ain't stubbly and brownish/ginger... I don't smoke either :P Model stats: 805 faces two 256x256 skins contact me at and I should soon have a website at so check there to see if its up yet. - ToxiC