Released 06/05/99 - Version 1.00 Author : Chopper ( Homepage : Model Name : Renegade Girl Files : renegirl.mdl renegirl.bmp Renegade_Girl.txt Install Info : Unzip to your Sierra\Half-life\valve\models\player folder (it will make a folder called "renegirl") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Model Info Face Count : 648 Polygons Texture Size : 93.3kb (no Team Colours) Programs Used : 3DS Max, Photoshop and MDLViewer 2.1 This is my second model for a Half-Life. It is a single mesh (no seperate arms and hands) again. The skeleton is again my own, resized biped. A second version of this model should be out in a week or two with a more casual style, jeans and t-shirt. All of the animations are Valve's but I am hoping to do some of my own, I want to change the walk and run to give it more of a female feel. There is also some collision with some of the weapons models and the chest polygons, and the position of the left hand while holding some of the weapons is a bit out and this is due to the different scaled skeleton, new anims will need to be made to fix this when I get around to it. I am happier with the shoulders on this model but they could still use a bit of work (maybe in the next model!). This model was designed for use in our LAN games on high end computers with Voodoo graphics accelerators and works fine on them. I have also tested it in software mode and it works. The model idea was basically a female model in the style of the previously released Renegade model but with a bit more of a gothic style sci-fi look. Thanks to Valve for a great game and for the SDK! If you distribute this model please include all the files in the zip.