Quake 2 Marine for HALFLIFE with 'Grunt' skin Version 2 HURAAAAAY! I finally figured out why version1 wasn't running properly in the game. I used my own Biped with the Valve biped info loaded in as a .fig file. Something can't have been named right because when I used the actual Valve Biped it worked a treat! So then, now I need to do something original. I am a modeller afterall and not an ID/Valve lackey =) I'd just like to take this opportunity to mention and thank profusely... Renier 'Pug' Banninga for his tutorial on Wavelength describing not only how to correct the skinmesh export bug in Quake2 Modeller but also how to use Elmek's IOUV skinmesh data importer for Studio MAX. Also Chris Bravery at Lionhead for teaching me how to use Character Studio (I did teach him Studio MAX afterall =) Nice one, mate!) To install: Unzip the zipfile that you are reading this from into the Sierra/Half-Life/Valve/Models/Player folder It'll automatically create a folder called Q2Marine and put the MDL file and bitmap in there with this readme file. Run the game and pick the Marine =) Any comments or suggestions or questions...feel free to E-Mail me Scarecrow@dial.pipex.com