Iron-Man_README.txt 12:10 16 Nov99 This model is based on the character Iron-Man, from Marvel Comics. Created with Chumbalum Soft's Milkshape 3D and wouldn't have been possible without Scarecrow's tutorials from Coldfusion. #vertices: 501 #triangles: 915 #groups: 3 #bones: 40 #materials: 3 sgroups: 1 Iron-Man and his likeness are the creations Marvel Comics. To use this model for Half-Life simply create a new folder named 'Iron-Man' (NO QUOTES!) in: ...\Half-Life\valve\models\player\... Un-zip the Iron-Man.mdl and .bmps into the new Iron-Man folder. Iron-Man also uses the chrome effect in half-life. k_vandorn