7of9_README.txt 15:44 03DEC99 This model is based on "7of9", from Star Trek: Voyager. Though I intend to release several female models for Half-Life, "7" has sat around waiting for the others. I just feel it's her time. "7" is specifically designed to be 'skinner friendly' (SkF). What I mean is anyone who wants to repaint the skin should be able to look at it, and tell exactly what's what. Thus, 'SkF'. If you do a nice repaint please feel free to send it to me at: mann_slaughter@usa.net I think a nice skin of Marvel Comics' "Black Widow" would kick ass! Come and see what other models I've made at: http://underworld.fortunecity.com/galaxian/688/ MODEL INFO: Created with Chumbalum Soft's Milkshape 3D v1.0c #vertices: 335 #triangles: 691 #groups: 2 #bones: 34 #materials: 2 sgroups: 1 7of9 and Star Trek: Voyager are trademarks of Paramount To use this model for Half-Life simply create a new folder named '7of9' (NO QUOTES!) in: ...\Half-Life\valve\models\player\... Un-zip the 7of9.mdl and 7of9.bmp into the new 7of9 folder The Starfleet and Borg symbols (starfleetlogo-1a.bmp & borglogo-1a.bmp) should be cut, then pasted into: ...\Half-Life\logos This model has NO team color capability. If the colors in the preview pic change, don't worry. They WON'T change in-game. You are more than welcome to distribute this model, so long as you don't CHARGE A FEE FOR IT! Also, be sure to give Mann Slaughter credit for the original. Have Fun! Mann Slaughter "Let's DO this!" mann_slaughter@usa.net