Nexus 2: Strange Threats in a New World Command Point Warfare [WTF?]Chemical Burn Your Orders: Western Army (Blue): Take flags from your Base and place them on the Command Points situated throughout the city. Use the flag chart in your base to see who is in control of each territory. Nexus Army (Red): Take flags from your Base and place them on the Command Points situated throughout the city. Use the flag chart in your base to see who is in control of each territory. Scoring: Humans (Blue): 1 point per half minute -- Command point 5 2 points per half minute -- Command point 4 3 points per half minute -- Command point 3 4 points per half minute -- Command point 2 5 points per half minute -- Command point 1 Nexus Troops (Red): 1 point per half minute -- Command point 1 2 points per half minute -- Command point 2 3 points per half minute -- Command point 3 4 points per half minute -- Command point 4 5 points per half minute -- Command point 5 Other Notes: Flag carriers walk at half speed. The concrete wall infront of command point five is breakable. Command points do not reset upon a team securing all five. -------------------------------------------- S T O R Y L I N E -------------------------------------------- CHAPTER TWO - Strange Threats in a New World -------------------------------------------- The great war of 2053 is over, with no side being the victors life returns to a more normal pace. The eastern and western armies declare peace now that the energy crisis is over as plenty of the crystal compound was recovered from the Nexus. To explain the crystal compound, a new element on the periodic table now created, named vexdronium. It possesses no neutrons norprotons, but a nucleus of attracts both posistivly and negitively charged ions. This property is currently under study. Now in 2058, five years after the war of Nexus, strange growths are begining to develop in areas rich in vexdronium. Strange energy currents are displayed between vexdronium diposits, an energy form which physisists have never encountered before. October 8th, 2057, a lab in St. Louis which holds the largest amount of vexdronium in the world is the scene of a voilent flash explosion. The blinding light spreads through the city for 12 seconds. As the flash dies down, bystanders are slaughtered by nexus aliens. The energy fluctuation between deposits of vexdronium was that responsible for opening the gateway between earth and the nexus. Now as the aliens organize themselves in the southern part of St. Louis, the Western Army lands in the Northern End. Their mission: destory the alien threat. By: Dave Vanderburg [WTF?]Chemical Burn