disastercanyon ------------------------------------ Version Final Created by |dVa|Sokrateas (Andy Spittal) ------------------------------------ - Capture the Flag - Go to enemy base and take their flag. Return the enemy flag into your main ramp room to capture for 10 team points and 10 personal kills. - Security - In the tower to the right of each base, players will be able to activate security by pressing a button. This will activate the blast doors in the middle of the yard, and force the opposing team to climb over the wall into sniper view. These doors will stay closed for 40 seconds, and you will need to wait 1 minute and 15 seconds to re-activate the doors. - Laser Security - Want to sneak up into the other team's base from the side doors? You'll need to de-activate those lasers in order to get through. Do this by going into the enemy's bunker in their yard, and pressing the button. This will disable the laser defence for one minute, and won't be able to be pressed again for 1 minute and 15 seconds. - Security Cameras - Take a look at the enemy's flag with the button in your main ramp room on the computer console marked control center. ------------------------------------ All custom textures created by RuBrdUKy.dva^. Map name and other crap is reserved for dVa, by dVa. Contact me at thatsmyarm@hotmail.com